As click-through rate (CTR), impressions, referrals, and conversions. Measure your website metrics so you can identify seasonal variations Seasonal variations determine how customers find or interact with your website at different times of the year. So you need to measure these metrics to increase or decrease the type
of content you produce. Some Malaysia phone number list trends are obvious – for example, international holidays like Christmas. Here's the seasonal evolution of the search for "Christmas gifts." As the holidays approach, you may see significant spikes, followed by a sharp drop in search volume and zero after the holidays. Another less obvious example
is the search volume for "Mother's Day". If you haven't kept abreast of international holidays, you might not know that countries celebrate it at different times. As you can see, there are several peaks in the same year. If your business's search terms look like this, you'll need to tailor your content delivery to meet your audience's needs.